Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lift slab construction failures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Lift slab construction failures - Research Paper Example Once the slab has been raised to its desired level initially without proper leveling, it is joined with the columns with the help of the wedges which are â€Å"tack welded†. The area all around the slab is connected with the column through complete welding of the interface as soon as the slab has been leveled to attain its permanent position. The slab is held in position by steel wedges or other holding structures designed with the columns. The sequentially raised slabs become floors to higher slabs. Initial casting of the concrete slabs takes place at the ground level. However, with subsequent rising, the successive slabs are cast above the previously raised floors, which are in turn raised to their respective heights. The columns are also extended, in multiples of about a maximum of 5 storeys side by side as more and more slabs are raised to their heights. (, n.d.). As the building reaches its anticipated height and all of the slabs are raised to their resp ective positions, the hydraulic jacks are removed. The significance of the employment of this technique in the construction of high rise structures is its time-saving and cost- reducing nature and because it offers a more organized, simple and systematic approach towards the construction of high rise buildings. Lift slab construction eliminates the provision of beams and provides a smooth and finished surface on both sides. The technique serves to reduce the construction time and material cost each up to about 30 % as compared to the costs incurred on conventional construction techniques. (, n.d.). In addition to that, the casting of concrete slabs right on the site results in cutting the traveling and miscellaneous charges from the concrete plant to the site. Lift slab construction has long been a much practiced technique for the quick construction of multi-storey buildings. The use of this

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