Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cultural, compare and contrast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cultural, compare and contrast - Assignment Example If a cost benefit analysis is carried out, then the overpricing of the chocolate products will create great profit for the business. Furthermore, the pleasant environmental conditions will attract more tourists that could come to Melbourne for adventure and would not mind to try out the chocolate products at whatever prices. The cultural differences could be handled through various ways. For instance, both cities could decide to hold exchange programs that could aid in the elimination of cultural differences in the long-term. Lastly, both cities could encourage the standardization of goods and services that could encourage the elimination of cultural differences despite discouraging competition (Tierney, 23). In conclusion, both cities have their own cultural differences and similarities. The similarities could work efficiently in encouraging the chocolate business; however, it is important to handle the cultural differences between the two cities for

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